1) Dövizle askerlik bedeli ne kadar oldu?
27.01.2016 itibariyle dövizle askerlik bedeli 1.000 Euro olarak belirlenmiştir.
2) Kimler yararlanabilir?
Yurtdışında oturma veya çalışma izni ile veya çifte vatandaş olarak işçi, işveren, meslek veya sanat mensubu statülerinden biri ile en az 3 year term in the status of seafarer in the studies or foreign-flagged ships.
3) Is that applicants can not work?
at least as a residence or work permit abroad have dual nationality or status 3 In addition to working with the years, işveren, members or appropriation art (social, disease and so on.) Fields have the right to refer.
4) Can all students?
Hayır, net as working time 3 year can apply after completion.
5) Is the time considered working days in Turkey?
Hayır, for whatever reason every time calculations are made through a reduction of working time abroad in Turkey.
6) Is there a possibility of payment in installments?
Hayır, making contact during transfer from his bank account to be paid at once.
7) 38 and never before have not completed the age of military service have to apply for foreign currency, What will they do who will apply for the first time?
These persons, foreign currency in terms of the condition to be carrying military 1000 They make their application by paying Euro.
8) 38 age and have not completed under the previous legislation which one or more installment payments Will pay again?
Hayır, those responsible, According to the prior legislation 5112 or 6000 Even the installment amount they pay in euros 1000 Being on the euro, There is no need to make contact our Consulate.
These people T. C. The Central Bank of payments made in the records checked, numbers transactions fulfill the absolute discharge or military branches of military service will be held without any reference. It is possible to confirm the latest situation in consultation with the military branch.
Payments made 1000 The rest of the euro will not be refunded.
9) 38 He has completed the age and previously found in foreign currency for military applications, but also excluded from military service in foreign currency to pay for the completion of what they do?
According to the prior legislation 5112 or 6000 Even an installment amount they pay in euros 1000 this person is on the euro, military requirements in foreign currency as of the date of application provided that they possess, en geç 31 December 2017 (including) By making reference to the historical advantage of the military in foreign currency without any payment can.
Incumbents, Consulate General of our recent work references / case studies showing the document, Turkey / Netherlands will do with the current passport and residence card and proof of residence will be taken from the municipality. those responsible, With reference date 38 age in the period between the end of the year in Turkey in a year 6 By controlling the month notification will be made through the branch system might remain more. The deadline for these applications is 31.12.2017.
10) 38 What will they do who have completed the age and previously applying for military service makes no currency?
These persons, foreign currency provided that they possess the military requirements, en geç 31 December 2017 (including) tarihine kadar 1000 They make their application by paying Euro. After this date, 38 Those who reached the age to be entitled to any application.
11- How will the re-entrants to the Turkish citizenship process?
Birth year before and will take the appropriate action if it meets the eligibility requirements based on whether someone applications. After leaving the workers Turkish citizenship, employer or benefits taking the time being considered under the military in foreign currency.
12- Do you need to make an appointment for applicants? How do I get an appointment?
Evet, application can be made by appointment from konsolosluk.gov.t address.
13- How do I Application?
Requirements by applying to the military section is determined not provided with the necessary documentation satisfies. After the payment to the bank to pay the edited document is referred back to the military section.
14- After paying bank is there any need to visit again Consulate?
Evet, delivered to the military section of the payment receipt to the outcome of the application process and information needs to be communicated to the branch of the system.
15- Upon completion of the transaction How can I get the definite discharge certificate?
Demobilization and military status documents are issued by Military Branches. Domestic demand may be made at any branch of the military applications. Ayrıca, türkiye.gov.t password is e-government military official state document that can be printed using the web pages.
How do I get answers to other questions and the necessary documents?
Konsolosluk.gov.t web page under the heading of military and our Consulate General in the information note (http://
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