Milletvekili Yücel’den KPN’nin tavrına tepki

Milletvekili Yücel’den KPN’nin tavrına tepki

28 September, 2014

KEKLIK YUCEL'DEN KPN'NIN TAVRINA TEPKITHE HAGUE (İnterAjans) - Social Democratic and Labour Party (PvdA) milletvekili Keklik Yücel, the telecommunications company KPN's priority policies towards women managers reacted to the decision to discontinue.

highly educated women in top management priority for the reasons that were adversely affected as men of foreign origin "bullshit" using the phrase deputy Yucel, "KPN is acting as if there were highly educated foreign women" diye konuştu.

Yeşil Sol (GL) the deputy Linda Voortman in senior management noted that since the legal requirement to raise the proportion of women.


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