The accusations led to diplomatic tension between the two countries again

The accusations led to diplomatic tension between the two countries again

15 December, 2016

NETHERLANDS, Embassy in The Hague, accused by Ankara of the country reported fetö'cü Religious Affairs Deputy Counsel Yusuf Acar expressed about the Hague Embassy charge d'affaires to the Foreign Ministry urged.

The country on this issue the highest circulation daily newspaper De Telegraaf reported on, olayın Temsilciler Meclisi’ne aksetmesine neden oldu. Haberde, Lahey Büyükelçiliği Din İşleri Müşavir Vekili Yusuf Acar’ın FETÖ’cülerle ilgili bilgi toplayıp bunları Ankara’ya ilettiğini onayladığı ileri sürüldü.

The accusations led to diplomatic tension between the two countries again. Lahey Büyükelçiliği’nin iddiaları reddettiği ifade edildi.




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