“İmamlar vazgeçmeli”

“İmamlar vazgeçmeli”

25 May, 2015

IMAMLAR VAZGECMELIDORDRECHT (İnterAjans) – Dordrecht kentinde Belediye, Orta Öğretim Kurumu Da Vinci College ve MEE Drechtsteden kuruluşunun ortaklaşa düzenlediği konferansta radikalizm ve İslamofobi konuları dini, toplumsal ve bilimsel yönleriyle masaya yatırıldı.

Muslim clerics should VAZGEÇTÝM

Dordrecht Municipality councilor Rik van der Linden, the conference started with the opening speech of Moroccan origin Imam Yassin al Fork new emphasis in Islam can not be religious hostility "I read in the Qur'an while my theology studies, I realized that some things. quite often people are talking about in the Qur'an. Quran the Prophet. Muhammad's name appears twice, but most Hz. Talk of Jesus. I conclude that Judaism and Christianity can not be a Muslim without believing. Islam is not a religion hostile to other religions. The Muslim community in the Netherlands, discuss the issues in theology own. Muslim clerics 'absolute truth' must give up the claim that they know. They claim to know the absolute truth because they, will have ascribing partners to Allah. But God knows the absolute truth " şeklinde konuştu.

NO SAVLARIN Dayanağıdır

In his speech Politikolog the Netherlands Roemer van Oordt 'Islamization that' no contentions, arguing that there is no basis "In the Netherlands the propaganda of the supporters of political parties like the PVV Islam and Muslims are left under constant pressure. no increase in the Netherlands for years Cami. No increase in the Muslim population. On the contrary, the Muslim population is declining. 2014 figure of 5.75 percent of the population living in the Netherlands according to Muslim. Yet the Muslim place of worship to a substantial increase in such violence done " said.


Turkish Gencer DUE TO IDENTITY

Rotterdam's Erasmus University faculty member Prof. Dr. If done by a team headed by Richard Staring "Turkish youth and radicalism" Briefed on research. explaining that the young people of Turkish origin, ethnic identity depends on Richard Staring "Turkish youth backwardness from generation to generation and education level increases wanes. There are many different groups in Turkish society and the Turkish youth to take part in these groups will positively affect. It also gives sufficient basis for secular youth in the institutionalization of Islam in Turkish society and helps them to stay away from radicalism and extremism " şeklinde konuştu.


Professor from the University of Amsterdam. Dr. Martijn de Koning is referring to is difficult to establish a scientific link between Islamophobia and radicalism "But Islamophobia is much larger than the problem of radicalism. According extremism, radicalism and concepts that change the meaning of time and space. İslamofobi, It is affected by secularism and security debate. discussion and critical approach to religion on cohesion policy also affects Islamophobia. a major problem for a larger segment of society Islamophobia, but not radicalism. but radicalism, Islamophobia feeds. Radicalism and Islamophobia multifaceted and complicated problem. Therefore quite difficult to establish a direct link between Islamophobia and radicalism " said.

Participants at the conference readily available, not just an issue of concern that Muslim radicalism, They noted that examples of society in many parts of radicalism and emphasized that they should be investigated in common radicalism.


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