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30 October, 2015

HaberUtrecht – Our city and our young players who are successful in the future be shown as a star candidate C1 FC Utrecht player Akif dagger continues to work wonders. Kupa maçında

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29 October, 2015

Organization of the Islamic Community of Milli Gorus (IGMG)living in Europe with the project presented 130 Turkish youth was brought to Turkey. View full post on Son Haber

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29 October, 2015

View full post on InterAjans.nl

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29 October, 2015

Fyre-speed train project, the research report and by the council today is incomplete and inaccurate information gleaned quit as Secretary of State responsible for the infrastructure resigned from his duties Wilma Mansveld.

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29 October, 2015

2017"Beginning from now the basic package of health care costs outside the Netherlands (basic package) Will be in. People temporarily when they are outside Europe, they use health care costs outside Europe, 1 January

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28 October, 2015

KNMI will dominate the country today afternoon… View full post on Son Haber

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28 October, 2015

AMSTERDAM (İnterAjans) – Hollanda’da halkın yaklaşık üçte ikisi, ülkede fazla yabancı bulunduğu, bundan dolayı sığınmacı kabul edilmemesi gerektiği görüşünde. Fransız Kamuoyu Araştırma Enstitüsü’nün Hollanda, Germany,

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28 October, 2015

Yurtdışı Türkler ve Akraba Topluluklar (YTB) Başkanı Kudret Bülbül, Avrupa’da göçmenlere yönelik ayrımcılık olaylarında artış olduğunu belirterek, “Vatandaşlarımızın yüzde 71’i bulundukları ülkelerde kendilerinin dışlandıklarını düşünüyorlar.

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28 October, 2015

1 Kasım 2015’de Türkiye’de gerçekleşecek 26. Dönem Milletvekili Genel Seçimi için Avrupa’da oy kullanma işlemi Pazar günü saat 21.00 itibarı ile sona erdi. Bir önceki

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