Monsters are coming to the Criminal Traffic

Monsters are coming to the Criminal Traffic

5 October, 2014

05101014trafik4Justice and Security Minister Ivo's Opstelto, disrupts road traffic safety is preparing to impose heavy penalties for people.

Starting next year is not valid according to the law of the stop sign is considered to comply with the new, side roads and wrongfully using the term in this way threatening the safety of traffic to speak of "traffic monsters" will not take the traffic fines,,tr,These people will be brought before the court,,tr,writing to inform the House of Representatives of the Justice and Security Minister Ivo Opstelto recently,,tr,According to the current law in violation of traffic rules by monsters just can not get rid of these errors and penalties will be treated according to the Criminal Law stated,,tr,The statement was made particular emphasis on forgiveness of error will not threaten the road safety and traffic rules violation,,tr. Bu kişiler mahkeme önüne çıkartılacak.

Geçtiğimiz günlerde yazılı olarak Temsilciler Meclisini bilgilendiren Adalet ve Güvenlik Bakanı Ivo Opstelton (VVD), mevcut yasaya göre kuralları ihlal eden trafik canavarlarının sadece ceza alarak kurtulamayacaklarını ve bu hataların Ceza Hukukuna göre işlem göreceğini belirtti.

Açıklamada özellikle trafik kuralları ihlali ile yol ve can güvenliğini tehdit eden hataların affedilmeyeceğine vurgu yapıldı.

Minister Opstelten in November last year gave his statement on the future of heavy fines for traffic signal monsters from which angle but did not give information about changes in the law would be,,tr,directly to drivers who make mistakes along with amendments to the Criminal Law to be treated according to the law in this way it will be subjected to more severe penalties,,tr,In other words, a driver makes the same mistake more than once will be subject to a more severe penalty in the final stage at a time and even a prison sentence that can be given to this person,,tr.

Yapılacak değişiklik ile birlikte hata yapan sürücüler direk olarak Ceza Hukuku yasalarına göre işlem görecek bu şekilde daha ağır cezalara maruz bırakılacak. Başka bir değişle birden fazla kere aynı hatayı yapan bir sürücü her seferinde daha ağır bir cezaya tabi olacak ve son aşamada da bu kişiye hapis cezası dahi verilebilecek




Kaynak: SonHaber

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