
I'm looking for work and workers in the Netherlands Turkce

Medya Ortagi

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European Business Directory - Den Haag

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European Business Directory
Hoefkade 768
2526 CS Hague
Mailbox 16537, 2500 UN
The Netherlands

Tel.: +31 (70) – 380 72 38
Fax: +31 (70) – 388 37 67

Since 1985 IS "Sila Bookstore” a known phenomenon in the Booksellers and Publishers. We distribute our books for Libraries, Schools and educational institutions to Turks in the Netherlands. In addition to the Bookstore has Sila Bookstore under the name Rehber YAYINCILIK a publisher. This publisher has since 1989 subsidiary Sila Bookstore. PUBLISHING DIRECTORY Jaarlijks publiceert Netherlands Postasi, Prizma and Turkish Yellow Pages ( "European Business Guide"). This guide is distributed in the Netherlands and in several European countries. All publications are fully self-published.


Sector: Computers / ICT / Computer
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Author admin | 6 June 2014



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