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15 Temmuz darbe girişiminin püskürtülmesiyle Türkiye için tehlike ortadan kalkmadı!
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, kuruluşundan beri emperyalist güçlere karşı mücadele etti. Önce Cumhuriyet’e karşı isyanlar başlatıldı; 1948’den itibaren tam bağımsızlıktan ödün verilmeye başlandı; emperyalist güçlerin 10 yılda bir yaptırdıkları darbelerle hem ağır aksak yürüyen demokrasinin gelişmesi engellendi, hem de her darbede Türkiye ekonomisi 10 yıl geriye gitti.
Devlet yönetiminde keşmekeşlik
Son 10 yılda bu süreç hızlandırıldı; devlet yönetimi Cumhuriyet tarihinde şimdiye kadar görülmemiş bir şekilde keşmekeşliğe sürüklendi.
AKP – HDP işbirliği ile yürütülen sözde ‘Barış Süreci’nde terör örgütü PKK dağ eşkıyalığının yanı sıra kentlerde örgütlenmeye gitti; mayınlı hendekler açtılar, kendi polis teşkilatlarını ve mahkemelerini bile kurdular. Şimdi gelinen noktada ülkede kan gövdeyi götürüyor, her gün şehit haberleri geliyor.
AKP – FETÖ işbirliği içinde yürütülen Ergenekon ve Balyoz gibi davaların kumpas olduğu iş işten geçtikten sonra ortaya çıktı. Bu davalarla aslında Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri içindeki yurtsever Atatürkçü komutanların önü kesildi, donanma çökertildi, ordu itibarsızlaştırıldı.
Güney Kıbrıs ile İsrail Akdeniz’de burnumuzun dibinde petrol ve doğalgaz çıkarırken, gözdağı vermek için dahi olsa gemilerini yürütecek donanma kaptanı bulamaz olduk.
15 Temmuz darbe girişiminden sonra ordu tamamıyla çökertildi; Pilots to fly the F-16 was not found. As a result of government witch-hunt was launched under the emergency rule began to be dismantled.
After the coup of fetö'cü were very Kemalist and a crime without any intention of Kurdish origin citizens.
Schools were opened, Hundreds of thousands of students can not be exported to education. Parents do not want their children register for school.
Faceless bureaucrats and the fate of those arrested for crimes, Excludes nervous arrested.
Even at the highest levels of government could be a coup of concern.
The legal system painful; prosecutors and judges ‘Darbe girişiminde suçu olmayan gözaltı ve tutukluları serbest bırakırsam bana da FETÖ’cü yaftası vurulur mu?’ diye korkuyor.
Sade vatandaş, bana garezi ve gıcığı olan birisi imzasız ihbarda bulunur mu diye diken üstünde.
Belki de – her nedense sabaha karşı değil de akşamüzeri yapılan – darbe girişiminin hedefi devletin siyasi ve bürokrat yapısını ilmik ilmik çözmek, ülkede bir toplumsal paranoya yaratarak emperyalizmin esas vuruşuna mukavemeti azaltmaktı.
Emperyalist terminoloji
The imperialist powers in the way they know that the strength to break the founding philosophy of the Republic of Turkey and leave people out of business advocates full independence. That is to destroy the Kemalist thought.
Because the CIA chief Samuel P. Huntington thereof 'The Clash of Civilizations and the re-establishment of the World Order' bluntly in his book writes, 'Turkey should reject the legacy of Ataturk' he explains.
The imperialist powers, The founding philosophy of the Republic of Turkey, They use a common terminology to describe the full independence and republican revolutions: Kemalists.
'Kemalist' word was introduced by the imperialists since the founding of the Republic is a terminology t; Is an effort to show the Republican revolution as an ideology.
However, not an ideology, Kemalism. based on science and logic, The idea of free, Hur decoded, free conscientious individuals which aims to raise, enlightenment and the level of contemporary civilization and society have reached a fully independent state creation is philosophy. And many societies around the world have adopted this philosophy and has gained its independence by fighting against global imperialism.
Have you ever thought? Why imperialist Western world that made the French revolution and to defend ‘Jakobenist’ also not be, It performs the Republican revolution in Turkey and to defend 'Kemalist' der?
Because the imperialist powers ever since the founding years of the Republic, to wash their brains trying to debate the founding philosophy of the Republic of Turkey.
The same target
15 After the July coup attempt ‘Yenikapı ruhu’ Do not store the fallacy of both the pro-government circles, both fetö'cü coup attempt in using the terminology invented by Western imperialism 'Kemalists'In that the finger or began to throw out claims that led to the coup attempt.
Here are some examples ...
After capturing issued under the MIT undersecretary in February 2013 Even attracts five million dollar loan from the Bank of Asia to get lean Nagesh Plaster. Hani caliper case of prosecutors Zekeriya Öz said the statue should be erected rok'n's wife. Ismail does not count for details from YouTube - Nagesh call the plaster debate.
Contracting a new lawyer of the biggest supporters of the AKP government ‘Eğer bugün FETÖ diye bir tehdit ortaya çıkmışsa bunun baş müsebbibi Kemalistlerdir’ says. (http://www.yeniakit.com.tr/haber/kemalist-darbeler-copluguyuz-211053.html)
Aklıma mukayyet olmaya çalışıyorum; 15 yıldır Atatürkçüler mi ekranlarda ‘Beraber yürüdük biz bu yollarda’ şarkısını söylediler.
Eski AKP bakanlarından Mahir Ünal ‘Eğer bugün biz FETÖ ve PKK belasını yaşıyorsak bunun sebebi geçmişte inanca, dindarlara dönük baskıcı, tekelci Kemalist anlayışıdır’ says. (http://www.haber46.com/ak-parti/eski-kultur-ve-turizm-bakani-mahir-unal-terorun-suclusu-kemalist-zihniyettir-h189796.html)
Bu ne aymazlık! Sanki PKK ile müzakereye oturan, FETÖ ile işbirliği yapan ‘Atatürkçüler’di! Sanki ‘Atatürkçüler’ FETÖ’nün her istediğini vermediler!
Yeni Şafak yazarı Yusuf Kaplan ise, 15 arguing that the second and third wave of the upcoming July, aftershocks of the coup and the country's secular Kemalist / secularist argues that by segments. 'Kemalist and secular types, 15 communities that make up the source of the spirits who are July, orders are investing to target ' ifadelerini kullanıyor. (http://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/yeni-safak-yazari-15-temmuz-un-devamini-kemalist-ve-laik-tipler-yapacak-126984.html)
Read this sentence several times sake of Allah, Try to find the slightest scrap of logic. I could not find…
And all of them, without exception, were not planted in the past, Fethullah Gulen movement powder!
West Side
fetö'cü and they can not remove the noise in Turkey but in Europe, they speak.
Now let Europe in front Feton 15 how do they relate Kemalists attempted coup of July ...
16 Eylül 2016 In writing the history of 'national groom talking about' Joost Lagendijk I.
Lagendijk, Algemeen Dagblad of the Netherlands' leading newspaper 23 Eylül 2016 In the interview published in the, Gulenists by arguing that the coup attempt and made the Gülen leadership, 'Gulenists possible that he knows of the coup attempt, but probably secular Kemalist military and opportunists (opportunists) and hating Erdogan also collaborated with the putschists' said.
Imperialist discourse same terminology, ie Kemalists, ie impact müsebbip and collaborators.
Let's take a short trip to the center of the European Union in Brussels ...
Ramadan Güveli in Brussels 2000 Founded in Intercultural Dialogue Platform manager, British citizen of Turkish origin, and at the same time. Gülen emphasizes that both the honorary president of this institution in an interview published in various media in press releases and Ramadan Güveli. Mothy Vocaleurope.e given to Web site 8 In an interview published in August, he says: 'I like this initiative in a statement carried by personally experienced political analysts Kemalist / The idea was made by the Kemalist generals to feel closer to myself. Senior high-ranking soldiers known as the Kemalist generals, They learned the intelligence coup plans were realized back at step, but he continues coup attempt '. (http://www.vocaleurope.eu/monday-talk-with-ramazan-guveli-on-gulen-movement-and-recent-coup-attempt-in-turkey/)
What does that mean? Impact did Kemalist generals, but MIT drew themselves aside by the state to confiscate, but the blows continued. Such an explanation away from both realism, where both known to influence the European public.
continue to cooperate
Notice the common aspects of AKP supporters and its subsidiaries with Feton!
always the same terminology imperialist rhetoric on both sides: 'Kemalists.'
According to collaborators who fetö'cü the coup attempt in Turkey, but giving rise to 'Kemalists.'
According to international cooperative engaged in the coup attempt 'Kemalists.'
That seems hostile to each other on both sides of the strokes made with the same terminology and the same point imperialist ...
Hedef: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti.
target those: based on science and logic, The idea of free, Hur decoded, free conscientious individuals which aims to raise, enlightenment and contemporary advocates of the philosophy of creating a fully independent state of society and civilization has reached the level of Kemalists.
All of this information, In addition to document review, and TBMM Pulses Research Commission President and the AK Party Burdur deputy Resat Petek past the dust placed Feton caliper case I did not remind. The ruling party will be removed by a majority vote of the Research Commission on the content of the report under these circumstances is hardly difficult to predict!
On the other hand the AKP government, 15 The show grounds of the Treaty of Sevres July coup attempt 168. Applying Article 96 After years of military schools closed. Instead, it created the National Defense University, was appointed Rector Prof.. Dr. Erhan Afyoncu better Does not understood than two years before the publication of six years during Feton Today we take into consideration that the gravity of the situation a columnist for the newspaper?
fetö'cü and other pawns of the founding philosophy of the imperialist powers themselves Atatürk and the Republic of Turkey with the aim of selecting partners the same imperial terminology continue their cooperation on the road they had to demolish the Republic of Turkey. The attacks on the Treaty of Lausanne in the nature of the deed is done this faith in the Republic of Turkey, not because they do not know the dates.
The last three years President of thought Feton supporters fought against Erdogan Did you hear about the response to Erdogan's remarks Lausanne Antler AMAS? you will not hear. Because they both like the same target.
Do not say Harness!
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