23 The identity of the passenger is determined

23 The identity of the passenger is determined

10 August, 2014

23 YOLCUNUN KIMLIGI BELIRLENDI FOTO AAMalaysia Airlines MH17 in Ukraine as a result of the fall of the Flight of the passengers who lost their lives 23′The identities were determined reputation.

Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice, Hilversum corpses were kept in military barracks in the city of Van Oudheusd the context of the ongoing process of diagnosis, 18 of those so far identified,′in the Netherlands, 2′sini Malaysia, The other three of Germany, Canada and the United Kingdom announced that citizens.

Description, identity was given that informed the relatives of the victims:.

Ukraine's regions close to the border with Russia 17 Located plane which crashed in July 283 yolcu ve 15 mürettebattan kurtulan olmamıştı.

196′s of the victims who is a Dutch citizen 231′in the funeral, for diagnosis brought to the Netherlands in the town of Hilversum Van Oudheusden was transferred to the military barracks.

Hollandalıların yanı sıra aralarında Avustralya, Germany, Belgium, England, Malezya, Endonezya ve Yeni Zelanda’dan isimlerin de olduğu yaklaşık 200 personality diagnostic procedures conducted by experts of the team was announced could take months.

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