FRIENDS Party Turkish barrier

FRIENDS Party Turkish barrier

10 July, 2016

BULGARIA'Freedom and Responsibility Democrats for Tolerance which create most of the members of the Turkish (ENOUGH) Party official registration application was not accepted due to the Turkish name.

The first annual meeting 14 The Sofia City Court on April and admitted to the official record of the process for the registration of the Party FRIENDS, the name was rejected on the grounds that Turkish.

Also in the grounds of refusal of the Court, Turkey, indicating that the majority of the founders of the Party FRIENDS, The ban on the establishment parties based on ethnic and religious basis was reminded in accordance with the Political Parties Act.

Decision, Responsibility for Freedom and Tolerance Democrats name of the formation of the Bulgarian abbreviation of the word FRIENDS, It is recorded that purpose, full of party founder.

FRIENDS President Lutvi Mestan, A decision in a statement to reporters said they carry a higher court. Bulgarian noted that the number of members of the Mesa substantial proportion, He said:

“The friends say it is a Turkish word. Evet, FRIENDS taking place in a Turkish word, but Bulgarian Dictionary. Lady (hakim) He says, friendly is the Turkish word in the dictionary Bulgarian saw. If you see this word means available in Bulgarian language system. Democracy is not a word in Bulgarian. AMIGOS is a liberal democratic party we set up our new formation. 15 our thousands of members and 20 percent of Bulgarians are Christian origin. But it is not dependent on the number and identity of the ethnic Become a member of a party, it depends on the objectives of the party. Our goal is that our party will see when you look at the objective realization of democracy in Bulgaria and the countries of Europe and NATO walkway. All citizens are treated equally. Bulgaria to host some of whom are to be adoptive parent. No one living in the Bulgarian Turks and Muslims and other minorities are seen as second-class citizens. We do not have a party espousing the Turks in Turkey, We are the party defending minorities. something different to the minority party to defend minorities. The judge did not understand it. "

Stating that they believe will accept the decision of a higher court to Mesa, if there is no discrimination in Bulgaria and to reject all laws and constitution of a superior court of record, if applicable, the DOST Party stressed the need for equal acceptance of grounds.



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