IKO General Manager Cruz, children traveling alone or with one parent warns

IKO General Manager Cruz, children traveling alone or with one parent warns

6 July, 2014

IKO GENEL MUDURU CORUZ UYARDI FOTO INTERAJANSHILVERSUM (İnterAjans)The International Child Abduction Centre (Is but) new General Manager Coskun Cruz, only, were warned by family or single-parent children will travel close.

Customs are not the parent or parents of the child next to the police would want to prove that we are expressing O let this trip, on the border fails to prove that there can be major problems, even drew attention to the aircraft can binileme.

Mothers or fathers to prevent their smuggled abroad by the framework and the checks carried out in accordance with the Schengen legislation to avoid a problem of International Child Abduction Centre (Is but) was expressed can be utilized in a form developed by.

IKO General Manager Cruz, www.kinderontvoering.org and www.defensie.nl/onderwerpen/reisdocumenten-engrenscontroles/inhoud/reizen-met-kinderen address is not mandatory that the form which can be downloaded from the website, but in terms of preventing potential problems noted in the border can carry great importance. Dutch and English was stated in this form can be filled.

Dutch 2013 In total 271 was smuggled abroad by a mother or father.

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