Populism criticism from Juncker

Populism criticism from Juncker

30 December, 2014

JUNKER'DEN POPULIZM ELESTIRISI FOTO AAAMSTERDAM (İnterAjans) – European Union Commission Chairman Jean-Claude Juncker, Government partners in the Netherlands Liberal VVD and the Christian Democrats and the opposition Social Democratic PvdA found the CDA to populism criticism.

Juncker, In an interview published in De Volkskrant newspaper, VVD, populist parties like PvdA and CDA parties was that they should not imitate. President of the European Union Commission, management noted that there were problems in Europe because it made.

Jean-Claude Juncker parties, He made the calls from politicians and the public to establish a dialogue with the political parties are not satisfied. Juncker, The rush of angry voters after or escape from them underlined that there will be a benefit.

Hollanda halk of the EU Constitution 2005 In “hayır” Juncker also reminiscent, PvdA, The VVD and CDA declined to campaign for the constitution they, it's also the chests “hayır” noting that result in the, "This 'no' is not the success of populist, It was a result of an error made by the traditional parties " ifadesinde bulundu.

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