Rotterdam’da Cumhuriyet coşkusu

Rotterdam’da Cumhuriyet coşkusu

28 October, 2014

CUMHURIYET COSKUSU FOTO INTERAJANSROTTERDAM (İnterAjans / AA) – Cumhuriyetimizin kuruluşunun 91.yıldönümü Rotterdam Başkonsolosluğu tarafından verilen resepsiyonda coşkuyla kutlandı.

Başkonsolos Togan Oral ile eşi Gül Oral’ın ev sahipliğinde Wereld Museum’da verilen resepsiyona Türkiye’nin Lahey Büyükelçisi Sadık Arslan, Deventer Consul General of Victory Fire, Hollanda İşçi Partisi (PvdA) milletvekili Tunahan Kuzu, Charlois Deputy Mayor made up of representatives from various institutions and organizations Zeki Baran joined a distinguished group of guests.

Up to now the Netherlands 4 Oral reminded that once inhabited the Republic Day celebrations, şöyle konuştu: “I slowly nearing the end of my mandate, so smoking is not sadness but should not subside national, should celebrate our religious festivals abroad are very different happiness and excitement. I've had your fill of it. I hope that the Turkish community here feels the same feelings as we. The crowd in the celebration is already evidence of this. I hope this enthusiasm our republic forever, This power and determination, we will take days and more prosperous future generations. I believe it. These people think that the biggest guarantee.”

Reception Stressing that many Dutch guests attended Oral, This participation, The importance given to the Turkish society can be considered as a sign that said.

Oral, serving active duty in the Netherlands and is a member of the honorary consul general consul in Rotterdam Consul Union (UCR) replying to a question concerning the election to the presidency, He said it was a sign of confidence in this task of bringing the Republic of Turkey,tr.


© InterAjans / AA

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