Sosyala Bildirmeden Tatile Gitmek, Pahalıya Patladı

Sosyala Bildirmeden Tatile Gitmek, Pahalıya Patladı

12 August, 2015

lawSoyal ödenek alanların peşinde adeta hafiye gibi dolaşan ve araştıran belediyeler, şimdi de kimin izin alarak kimin izinsiz gittiğinin peşine düştü.

Avukat Ejder Köse Sosyal paylaşım hesabından paylaşmında bir çok ödenekliyi ilglendiren bir konuya parmak bastı. Sosyala bildirmeden tatile gitmek, It is costing, In the example that he gave the Corner "Travel to / vacation because of the social ödeneǧ aldıǧ inform the municipality, So take a month while the municipal appropriations 30 Lowered "it was .so.

Kose, indicating that the event referred to the Court; "Despite the appeal against this decision and the court procedures for the appeal court was still in baǧla decided that the decision taken by the municipality is correct and valid," he appropriations areas to provide information to the agency where they receive permission from the appropriations / they go on vacation spoke also stimulates; the bottom of the note "in response to the Council's right to investigate, individuals 'right to themselves to criminalize' are. Yani, If the parties did not brief the eǧ passport, the municipality is any evidence on the çıktıǧ this person would not abroad, "gave information in the form.

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