Tag : third

9 May, 2016

HOLLANDA’da, Türklerin de dahil edildiği “batılı olmayan” diye tanımlanan yabancılarda yoksulluk sorununa daha sık rastlandığı belirlendi. Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), bu gruptaki çocukların üçte birinin

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24 September, 2015

THE HAGUE (İnterAjans) - the national authority of the Dutch parliament of the European Union, but the majority was achieved by providing a two-thirds majority in the House of Representatives bill stipulating be transferred,,tr,Partner of the ruling social democratic Labor Party,,tr,milletvekili Jacques Monasch,,fr,bill,,tr,he was the only pvda'l,,tr,Monasch,,nl,"In the future we have to be more careful in transferring the powers of Europe",,tr,also noted some issues can be solved at national level,,tr,changes envisaging the case of providing transferable two-thirds majority in parliament, instead of a simple majority of national powers to the EU,,tr,Require amendments to the Constitution,,tr. İktidar ortağı sosyal demokrat

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21 August, 2014

Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci, A safe haven for foreign direct investors in Turkey and stated that it continues to be an attractive country, which took place in the first half of the year 6

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