UMC’de Hastalar Kör Oldu

UMC’de Hastalar Kör Oldu

25 July, 2016

umcutrechtHaberUtrecht – Geçen yıl UMC Hastanesinde gözlerinden rahatsız olan 6 kişiden dördünün birer gözünün kör olduğu bildirildi.

Hastanede tedavi altında iken bir mikrop kaptıkları belirtilen 4 hasta, hastaneyi mahkemeye verdiler. Araştırma kuruluşu “Zembla ” The chain of errors that occur by not first. Ear umc earlier,Nose and Throat department made the mistake of medicine and explained that in death. Hospital patients who are blind to the Court, Hospital Management and proposed compensation of patients stated they did not accept this offer. Blind yaşayacakları life of patients infected with harmful in the body also stated.

UMC Hospital alınmş under control as it is known by the Board of Health.

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